Black Tansy Farm is a small family farm located in Springfield, Oregon. We strive to produce high quality agricultural products to feed our local community without compromising the well-being and happiness of our animals or the ecosystem that supports us.

Environmental Stewardship
Safeguarding and improving soil, air, and water quality for future generations is one of our core values. Black Tansy Farm is actively working to restore ecosystem health by partnering with the US Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). We have several projects currently underway, including:
- Building soil fertility through rotational grazing and application of okara (a byproduct of tofu/tempeh production that makes an amazing organic fertilizer).
- Enhancing wildlife and pollinator habitat by constructing hedgerows and planting native vegetation wherever possible.
- Reducing our irrigation water usage by replacing worn-out equipment/infrastructure and by allowing pasture forages to grow taller, which decreases soil moisture losses.